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validate this result. The last twenty eight days out-of-sample forecast adjudged Power-GARCH (1, 1, 1) in student's t error …
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validate this result. The last twenty eight days out-of-sample forecast adjudged Power-GARCH (1, 1, 1) in student's t error …
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This study estimated Asymmetric generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscadasticity models with endogenous break dummy on two innovation assumptions using daily all share index of Nigeria, Kenya, United States, Germany, South Africa and China spanning from February 14, 2000 to February 14,...
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other hand, we show empirically that the conditional standard deviations estimated by the TGARCH and EGARCH models are …In this paper, we compare the statistical properties of some of the most popular GARCH models with leverage effect when … their parameters satisfy the positivity, stationarity and nite fourth order moment restrictions. We show that the EGARCH …
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This study estimated Asymmetric generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscadasticity models with endogenous break dummy on two innovation assumptions using daily all share index of Nigeria, Kenya, United States, Germany, South Africa and China spanning from February 14, 2000 to February 14,...
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Diversification of the Nigerian economy from oil-based to other non-oil sectors has become a recurrent economic solution to the growing challenges associated with the Nigerian economy. For the past 20 years of uninterrupted democratic government in Nigeria, the successive federal governments...
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emplean el EWMA y el TGARCH, se desempeñan bien por lo general, sin embargo, modelos tienen un comportamiento pobre cuando el …
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This study tests for calendar anomalies in returns for petroleum and petroleum products via the futures market, specifically, the day-of-the-week (DOW) effect. The energy future contracts in this study are the WTI (West Texas Intermediate), Brent, RBOB (Reformulated Blendstock for Oxygenate...
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the EGARCH and TGARCH modelling supports the thesis that more advanced and more stable institutions help to dampen … applies the GARCH family of models to examine financial volatility as a function of institutional volatility. The results from …
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