Showing 91 - 100 of 2,598
Analyses of a sample of U.S. farm families based on March Current Population data for 1977-98 show that off-farm work decisions are made jointly by farm couples. Demographic differences across households are shown to have very important effects, while traditional farm policies appear less likely...
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This paper empirically investigates the relationship between commodity prices and wages in the rural labor markets of a developing country (i.e., Bangladesh). Given its basis on a theoretical justification for hysteresis, this empirical study provides a more complete method for investigating...
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Due to market imperfections and sexual division of labour, this paper takes interest in gender specific values of agricultural labour products (or shadow wages) and the problem of aggregating agricultural production activities. The paper analyses two farming systems instead of using an...
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In recent years, the research that investigates impact of employment on other labor related variables has a prominent place in regional science. Generally, it is well understood that new business investment brings changes in population, increased labor force participation rate and migration of...
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The Washington State farm labor market is a pivotal point in the western migrant stream. Farm employers argue that the seasonal labor market has tightened as a result of changes in immigration policy and economic conditions, even as they increase acreage of labor-intensive crops and the demand...
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This paper develops and tests a migration choice model that incorporates two prominent migration strategies used by households facing risk and liquidity constraints. On the one hand, migration can be used as an ex-post risk-coping strategy after sudden negative income shocks. On the other hand,...
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A tanulmányban a szakirodalom áttekintése során feltárt vizsgálandó területek tükrében két, a 2010-es és 2011-es év folyamán lebonyolított országos reprezentatív adatfelvétel eredményeit ismertetjük. A vizsgálatok eredményeire támaszkodva faktorelemzés segítségével...
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Napjaink egyre inkább előtérbe kerülő kutatási területe a felsőoktatás és a munkaerőpiac közti átmenet vizsgálata. Ãltalános nézetként fogalmazható meg, hogy a diplomával rendelkezők könnyebben el tudnak helyezkedni, magasabb munkabérrel rendelkeznek, mint a középiskolai...
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