Showing 61 - 70 of 827
initially pay a transfer and keep a fraction of their realized utility. We also identify a condition called acyclicity that is …
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A ranking over opportunity sets is justifiable if there exists a binary relation on the set of alternatives, such that one opportunity set is at least as good as the second, if and only if there exists at least one alternative in the first set which is at least as good as any alternative of the...
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The acyclicity of individual improvements in a generalized congestion game (where the sums of local utilities are …
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We study the structure of unstable local effectivity functions defined for n players and p alternatives. A stability index based on the notion of cycle is introduced. In the particular case of simple games, the stability index is closely related to the Nakamura Number. In general it may be any...
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We study the structure of unstable local effectivity functions defined for n players and p alternatives. A stability index based on the notion of cycle is introduced. In the particular case of simple games, the stability index is closely related to the Nakamura Number. In general it may be any...
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We study the structure of unstable local effectivity functions defined for n players and p alternatives. A stability index based on the notion of cycle is introduced. In the particular case of simple games, the stability index is closely related to the Nakamura Number. In general it may be any...
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A power system is modeled by an interaction form, the solution of which is called a settlement. By stability we mean the existence of some settlement for any preference profile. Like in other models of power structure, instability is equivalent to the existence of a cycle. Structural properties...
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preference revelation game induced by the student proposing deferred acceptance mechanism. We show that the acyclicity of the …
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A choice function is \textit{list rational(izable)}, if there is a fixed \textit{list} such that for each \textit{choice set}, successive comparison of the alternatives by following the \textit{list} retrieves the chosen alternative. We extend the formulation of list rationality to stochastic...
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