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This paper examines the link between banking structure and financial fragility across Europe during the 1920s and 1930s using a new database. Monthly and annual data are analyzed to show that countries with universal banking were more likely to experience crises. Furthermore, those countries...
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In this study, the effect of Global development on the labour part and the effect of the position of Turkey’s labour part was examined.Primarily, in this study, the effect of global trade policies on the labour part was considered as centre-surrounding country, the heterogenous effects of...
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(Turkish) Bu çalışmada, Türkiye ekonomisinde büyümenin kaynakları, 1970-2006 dönemi ve bu dönemin onar yıllık alt dönemleri için incelenmektedir. Bu amaçla, büyüme muhasebesi yöntemi kullanılarak, faktör birikimi ve toplam faktor verimliliğinin (TFV) ekonomik büyümeye...
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In the short history of banking sector in Turkey, lottery (premium to the accounts by drawings) had a crucial role in attracting savings to the bank accounts between 1930 and 1975. Lottery practice has not only increased household savings but also stimulated and changed traditional saving habits...
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This paper first describes the educational system in Turkey an the two national examinations for advancing upper levels of schooling which give raise to the demand for private tutoring called “dersane” in Turkish. Second, the evolution of the Private tutoring Centers (PTC) are described and...
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This paper investigates how macroeconomic policy shocks in Turkey affect the total unemployment and provides evidence on the differential responses of the unemployment by sectors of economic activity. Our paper extends the previous work in two respects. First, we consider not only the response...
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Use of computable general equilibrium (CGE) models in analyzing development policies has long been a popular approach. The first models about economic policy issues of developing countries can be dated as far as 1960’s. Since then, a wide span of modelling techniques, model specifications and...
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Is there any progress of economics? How do other fields of science contribute to this progress? Do different economic paradigms in the same eras have common points in relations with the other sciences? These challanges are tackled throughout this work. Latest developments in economics,...
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