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The result of Indonesian legislative election 2004 is analyzed with certain comparative with the previous one (1999). This analysis is constructed by using the graph theoretical analysis by finding the Euclidean distances among political parties. The distances are then treated in ultrametric...
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Micro and macro properties of social system should be taken as relative poles of a two dimensional continuum since every debate on social system will however shift to the discussion on the two levels of description. This is consistently used as perspective to see massive social conflict. We...
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There has been possibility on the new type of corruption done by the NGOs by using the access on the foreign aid in Indonesia. In the other hand, the role of the NGOs in Indonesia is still important in order to gain the social empowerment for the sake of social conductivity on social process...
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Pada makalah ini ditunjukkan bagaimana kontrak sosial di Indonesia terjadi secara dinamis. Makalah ini meneruskan satu tahap konstruksi model statik yang telah dilakukan pada makalah terdahulu (Hariadi & Situngkir, 2003). Pada konstruksi model dinamik digunakan model algoritma genetika sederhana...
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Random Boolean Network has been used to find out regulation patterns of genes in organism. This approach is very interesting to use in a game such as N-Person Prisoner’s Dilemma. Here we assume that agent’s action is influenced by input in the form of choices of cooperate or defect she...
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Makalah ini mencoba menguak sifat-sifat umum statistika data deret waktu keuangan yang diujikan terhadap beberapa data deret waktu keuangan yang ada di Indonesia, antara lain indeks individual emiten seperti harga saham PT TELKOM, harga saham PT HM SAMPOERNA, dan indeks harga saham gabungan...
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Jaring saraf buatan adalah model pemrograman paralel terdistribusi yang banyak memberikan manfaat dalam inovasi kemampuan komputasional untuk menganalisis berbagai sistem dinamik dan non-linier di alam. Makalah ini mencoba memperkenalkan penggunaan secara generik ide model jaring saraf buatan...
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Makalah ini bersifat lanjutan dari makalah terdahulu (Situngkir, 2003). Hal yang baru dalam makalah ini adalah upaya penggunaan peta Poincare dalam persepsi model jaring saraf yang kita buat untuk tujuan prediksi. Peta Poincare yang dimodifikasi digenerasi dari data deret waktu keuangan biasa...
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The paper gives picture of enrichment to economic and financial system analysis using agentbased models as a form of advanced study for financial economic data post-statistical-data analysis and micro-simulation analysis. Theoretical exploration is carried out by using comparisons of some usual...
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