Showing 51 - 60 of 74,314
This article derives a new formula for the yield elasticity of bond price. The formula provides accurate results without resorting to complex mathematics, and gives new meaning to the concept of duration in fixed-income analysis
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We propose a non-equidistant Q rate matrix setting formula such that a well-defined continuous time Markov chain can lead to excellent approximations to jump-diffusions with affine or non-affine functional specifications. This approach also accommodates state-dependent jump intensity and jump...
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The model derives risky corporate bond prices (or equivalently credit spreads) subject to credit default and migration risk, based on an extended version of the Jarrow, Lando and Turnbull model, under a risk-neutral framework, as a result of the simulation of a continuous time, time-homogeneous...
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There are several pricing and risk model applications where the assumption of a deterministic LIBOR-OIS basis can lead to severe mispricing. By modeling such a basis using a jump-diffusion process, we show how stochastic basis can impact the valuation of specific deals such as zero-coupon swaps,...
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The topics of Economic Capital modelling, reverse stress testing and credit limits are inextricably intertwined as they all focus on exceptional loss events. In this paper, we use the KVA framework in to frame these three topics within a single unified approach. We propose setting credit limits...
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In this paper we investigate the asymptotics of forward-start options and the forward implied volatility smile in the Heston model as the maturity approaches zero. We prove that the forward smile for out-of-the-money options explodes and compute a closed-form high-order expansion detailing the...
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We prove here a general closed-form expansion formula for forward-start options and the forward implied volatility smile in a large class of models, including the Heston stochastic volatility and time-changed exponential Levy models.This expansion applies to both small and large maturities and...
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We investigate credit value adjustments (CVAs) in the presence of wrong-way risk (WWR) by introducing jumps at default to model correlation between counterparty's default and relevant risk factors. We focus on the foreign-exchange and interest-rate cases, presenting efficient CVA approximations...
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An enhanced option pricing framework that makes use of both continuous and discontinuous time paths based on a geometric Brownian motion and Poisson-driven jump processes respectively is performed in order to better fit with real-observed stock price paths while maintaining the analytical...
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Macaulay duration approximates the yield elasticity of bond price. Since its introduction in 1938 researchers have sought a more accurate formula. This article demonstrates Macaulay's formula gives accurate results if applied appropriately. A bond with maturity n has n solutions for yield, one...
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