Showing 61 - 70 of 112
This paper studies the continuous double auction from the point of view of market engineering: we tweak a resampling rule often used for this exchange protocol and search for an improved design. We assume zero intelligence trading as a lower bound for more robust behavioral rules and look at...
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In Europe, when an imbalance between demand and capacity is detected for air traffic network resources, Air Traffic Flow Management slots are allocated to flights on the basis of a First Planned First Served principle. We propose a market mechanism to allocate such slots in the case of a single...
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We develop a technique that provides a lower bound on the speed of transient random walk in a random environment on regular trees. A refinement of this technique yields upper bounds on the first regeneration level and regeneration time. In particular, a lower and upper bound on the covariance in...
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This contribution deals with options on assets which pay discrete dividends. We analyze some methodologies to extract information on dividends from observable option prices. Implied dividends can be computed using a modified version of the well known put-call parity relationship. This technique...
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In this contribution we consider a dynamic portfolio optimization problem where the manager has to deal with the presence of minimum guarantee requirements on the performance of the portfolio. We briefly discuss different possibilities for the formulation of the problem and present a quite...
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In this contribution, we study options on assets which pay discrete dividends. We focus on American options, as when dealing with equities, most traded options are of American-type. In particular, we analyze implied volatilities in the model proposed by Haug et al. [12] and in the binomial...
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Investors in mutual funds appear to reward disproportionately the best performing funds with large inflows while, at the same time, avoid to withdraw similar amounts from the poorly managed funds. We show that this peculiar flat-convex shape of the flow-performance curve for mutual funds can be...
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To test for the adaptive optimization of risk attitudes, we use a simple model of preferences among lotteries, where agents evolve with a Genetic Algorithm. We find that the genetic selection operator are fundamental in determining the outcomes of the simulations, along with the possibility of...
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Market segmentation is a fundamental topic of marketing theory and practice. We bring some market segmentation concepts into the statement of an advertising and production problem for a seasonal product with Nerlove-Arrow's linear goodwill dynamics, along the lines of some analyses concerning...
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In this note using the rules of stochastic dominance of the second order and the recent cumulative prospect theory for classified, according to their performance, a set of common funds. The criteria used are closely linked to the preferences of decision maker and refer to either hypothesis of...
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