Showing 1 - 10 of 217
This paper presents a 'real options' model of investment under uncertainty, which incorporates the assumption of a financial market characterised by asymmetric information and which can explain the stylised facts of firm growth. The decision-making situation faced by small and medium-sized...
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This paper surveys the theoretical and empirical literature on the financing of investment in order to lay the foundation for subsequent analysis of technology investments by Southern European SMEs. By adapting a variety of approaches to suit this purpose, a number of findings for policy are...
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While poverty reduction has become the central focus of the multilateral institutions, research into macroeconomic policy has lagged behind and continues to be almost solely growth-focused. This paper aims to contribute to one policy area, that of capital account regulation, and sets out a...
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The perspectives of the expert contributors reflect the strong growth of research on the topic, as accounting is increasingly recognised as an important factor in development. The book draws commentary and analyses together to inform future research, practice and policy and raises awareness of...
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This paper contributes a preliminary analysis of the process of capitalist transformation in Arunachal Pradesh, one of the least studied regions of India. Primarily based on information collected through a field survey in eleven villages, the paper seeks to explain the nature and implications of...
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This paper offers a formalisation of the insights of Heckscher and Ohlin that is more consistent with the evidence than standard models, and simple enough to be used for teaching and policy analysis, as well as for research. It describes both the effects of a country's factor endowments on the...
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This article attempts to deconstruct the Bangladesh forest policy discourse by examining its key purport, narrative structure, and underlying messages. By examining the country's principal forest policy documents from a discourse perspective, the study argues that the Bangladesh state's policy...
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China's opening to trade is interpreted as a shift in world average factor endowments, which altered the comparative advantage of other countries. In the rest of the world on average, this shift reduced the ratio of labour-intensive manufacturing to primary production by 7-10% for output and...
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Examining the reason for differences in adult literacy rates across countries, this study finds that colonialism exerts a long term negative economic impact on literacy rates of the colonised. Investigating in particular, the effects of the French and British colonisation policies, the results...
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This article reviews the present state of the adoption of anti-corruption legal provisions usually adopted in EU (or candidate) countries in Morocco. Morocco lags behind many countries in its adoption of anti-corruption legislation and the recently established Central Agency of the Prevention of...
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