Showing 91 - 100 of 23,748
Since 1983, Social Security benefits have been subject to income taxation, a provision that can significantly increase the marginal income tax rate for older individuals. To assess the impact of this tax, we construct and calibrate a detailed life-cycle model of labor supply, saving, and Social...
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Die Bundesregierung hat die Förderung von Beschäfti- gung mit niedrigen Bruttoarbeitsentgelten (Midijobs) zum 1. Januar 2023 ausgeweitet und die Verdienstobergrenze auf 2 000 Euro brutto monatlich angehoben. Rund 6,2 Millionen Menschen mit einem Midijob profitieren von reduzierten...
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The German Federal Government has expanded subsidies for employees with low gross wages (midijob employees) as of January 1, 2023, and raised the upper earnings limit to 2,000 euros. As a result, around 6.2 million midijob employees will benefit from paying reduced social security contributions...
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In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, several countries enacted tax and social protection measures to help mitigate the economic hardship faced by individuals and households. This experience underscores the need to better understand the impact of such programmes on incomes and poverty during...
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We examine the incidence on household consumption of the introduction of tax incentives to retirement saving. First, using data from a panel of tax returns we document that most contributions to pension funds are by older/high-income individuals. Then we use panel data from a consumption survey...
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Overall monetary redistribution via the tax and transfer system leads to net incomes being much more evenly distributed in Germany than market income. As a result, in 2011, the Gini coefficient decreased from 0.5 for market income to 0.29 for household disposable income. The social security...
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Die monetäre Umverteilung durch das Steuer- und Transfersystem führt insgesamt dazu, dass die Nettoeinkommen in Deutschland deutlich gleichmäßiger verteilt sind als die Markteinkommen. So sinkt der Gini-Koeffizient von 0,5 für die Markteinkommen auf 0,29 für die verfügbaren...
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