Showing 23,691 - 23,700 of 25,011
We analyse a model in which families may either be "traditional" single-earner with caring for the child at home or "modern" double-earner households using market child care. Family policies may favour either the one or the other group, like market care subsidies vs. cash for care. Policies are...
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We introduce a computationally tractable dynamic equilibrium model of the automobile market where new and used cars of multiple types (e.g. makes/models) are traded by heterogeneous consumers. Prices and quantities are determined endogenously to equate supply and demand for all car types and...
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The question of why and how to tax the digitalized economy has been at the top of the international tax policy debate since the inception of the BEPS Action Plan in 2013. Over the years, a number of approaches have been discussed, including far-reaching proposals to fully or partially...
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This study presents in detail the concept of a financial transaction tax (FTT) and the theoretical and empirical evidence in favour and against introducing it, the potential revenues, different implementation designs and its ability to correct various market failures. We analyse the benefits and...
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In this paper we present a meta-regression analysis of simulation studies concerning green tax reform (GTR). Our study investigates the employment effect of GTR across European and non-European countries. The existing literature postulates that employment double dividend (EDD) is achievable;...
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Presumptive income taxes in the form of a tax on turnover for SMEs are pervasive as a way to reduce the costs of compliance and administration. We analyze a model where entrepreneurs allocate labor to the formal and informal sectors. Formal sector income is subjected either to a corporate income...
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Following renewed academic and policy interest in the destination-based principle for taxing profits-particularly through a destination-based cash flow tax (DBCFT)-this paper studies other forms of efficient destination-based taxes. Specifically, it analyzes the Destination-Based Allowance for...
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It is common to limit the cost sharing in health insurance schemes by a cap on co-insurance payments. This paper derives the economic and welfare effects of such a cap, adopting a model of which two features are crucial. First, health care demand is price-elastic. Second, demand is less elastic...
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In this paper, I estimate the effect of future pension benefits on pre-retirement labor supply for a representative sample of Chilean workers. Using non-linear patterns in pension benefit formulas and a reform that changed non-contributory pensions, I estimate the effect of pension accrual and...
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Some issues in the application of benefit–cost analysis (BCA) remain contentious. Although a strong conceptual case can be made for taking account of the marginal excess tax burden (METB) in conducting BCAs, it is usually excluded. Although a strong conceptual case can be made that BCA should...
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