Showing 4,841 - 4,850 of 5,464
This study uses an agent-based computational labor market framework to undertake a systematic experimental investigation of the relationship between market structure and market power. Market structure is measured in terms of job capacity (total potential job openings to total potential work...
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This study undertakes a systematic experimental investigation of hysteresis (path dependency) in an agent-based computational labor market framework. It is shown that capacity asymmetries between work suppliers and employers can result in two distinct hysteresis effects, network and behavioral,...
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This study uses agent-based computational experiments to examine the effects of a non-employment payoff on network formation and work-site behaviors among workers and employers participating in a sequential employment game with incomplete contracts. Workers either direct work offers to preferred...
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This paper introduces the rest of this issue, which is dedicated to the contributions of Sir Richard Stone, Michael Bacharach, and Philip Israilevich. It starts out with a brief history of biproportional techniques and related matrix balancing algorithms. We then discuss the RAS algorithm...
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In this paper there's a simulation study on evolutionary finance models from Evstigneev/Hens/Schenk-Hoppe and applies the scenario generation algorithm from Hoyland/Kaut/Wallace with moment matching. Further it shows with different dividend models which investment strategies perform best under...
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We study the inverse power index problem for weighted voting games: the problem of finding a weighted voting game in which the power of the players is as close as possible to a certain target distribution. Our goal is to find algorithms that solve this problem exactly. Thereto, we study various...
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One of the key challenges in integrated wireless and mobile networks is to efficiently support multi-class services as each type of services has distinct characteristics and quality of service (QoS) requirements. Problems in handoff algorithm or its parameters may lead into call drops with a...
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In this paper, I present an empirical model of learning under ambiguity in the context of clinical trials. Patients are concern with learning the treatment effect of the experimental drug, but face the ambiguity of random group assignment. A two dimensional Bayesian model of learning is proposed...
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On the basis of the First and second Law of Thermodynamics in the Economy and the Gibbs-Equation of Thermodynamics, Economic Equations are developed of the Inner Energy, the Entropy and the Free Energy (Value Added) of multiple economic systems to calculate the risks of investing in a merger and...
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