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This paper explores sample size requirements for the estimation of SUR models by (two-stage) feasible generalized least squares, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. It is found that the sample size requirements presented in standard treatments of SUR models are incomplete and potentially...
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The conventional formula for estimating the extended Gini coefficient is a covariance formula provided by Lerman and Yitzhaki (1989). We suggest an alternative estimator obtained by approximating the Lorenz curve by a series of linear segments. In a Monte Carlo experiment designed to assess the...
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1.Introduction 2.Atkinson's Measure 2.1 Asymptotic Standard Errors 2.2 Grouped Data 3.Posterior Distributions 3.1 Posterior Density for The pis 3.2 Information About The uis 3.2.1 Lognormal Distribution of Income 3.2.2 Assumptions About Group Mean Incomes 4.Numerical Results 5.Conclusions
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This paper investigates a Bayesian approach for examining posterior distributions of several inequality, concentration, tax progressivity and social welfare measures.
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The Lorenz curve relates the cumulative proportion of income to the cumulative proportion of population. When a particular functional form of the Lorenz curve is specified it is typically estimated by linear or nonlinear least squares, estimation techniques that have good properties when the...
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Measuring the costs of children is of immense practical importance in a range of economic and social policy areas. In this paper, we introduce a new econometric procedure that improves on existing methods for obtaining estimates of such costs from a demand system. We develop, using an extended...
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Bayesian estimation of a collection of seemingly unrelated regressions, referred to as a ‘set of seemingly unrelated regressions’ is considered. The collection of seemingly unrelated regressions is linked by common coefficients and/or a common error covariance matrix. Gibbs samplers useful...
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Share equations for the translog and almost ideal demand systems are estimated using Markov Chain Monte Carlo. A common prior on the elasticities and budget shares evaluated at average prices and income is used for both models. It includes equality restrictions (homogeneity, adding up and...
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The objective of this chapter is to provide a practical guide to computer-aided Bayesian inference for a variety of problems that arise in applications of the SUR model. We describe examples of problems, models and algorithms that have been placed within a general framework in the chapter by...
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Chambers and Quiggin (2000) advocate the use of state-contingent production technologies to represent risky production and establish important theoretical results concerning producer behaviour under uncertainty. Unfortunately, perceived problems in the estimation of state-contingent models have...
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