Showing 101 - 110 of 682
In this study, we analyze whether volatility forecasts (judgmental confidence intervals) are influenced by the specific elicitation mode (i.e. whether forecasters have to state future price levels or directly future returns as upper and lower bounds). We present questionnaire responses of about...
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For financial contracting with costly state verification, it is shown that arrangements involving an ex ante commitment to monitoring regardless of returns tend to dominate if the borrower's initial wealth is small and the investment outlay is large, arrangements involving conditioning of...
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We present a series of experimental coordination games with a payoff-dominant and a risk-dominant Nash equilibrium. We examine in how far local interaction structures have effects on players' strategy choices. Our three major observations are the following: First, local interaction with open...
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We study the possibility of efficient trade with informationally interdependent valuations. In a model based on the bilateral trade situation studied in Myerson and Satterthwaite (1983) efficient trade is only possible in trivial cases where the seller's valuation always exceeds the buyer's...
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Due to population aging, contribution rates of the mandatory German pay-as-you-go pension system are expected to increase dramatically during the next decades. This paper estimates the impact on the expected returns of contributions for different cohorts. I show that rates of return for younger...
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In this case study, we discuss aspects of time preference: the evaluation of payment sequences, the determination of time preference rates and the relevance of the elicitation procedure. The topic of the study, contingent valuation, was not chosen for the reason that time preference issues play...
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In public goods experiments where subjects may change groups, we observe a continual flight of the more cooperative subjects from the less cooperative ones. The less cooperative subjects attempt to enter cooperative groups in order to free-ride on their contributions.
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If ownership and control are separated, leaving the manager with discretion may be of value. This paper discusses the extent to which a firm's ownership structure may serve as a commitment for shareholders not to interfere with the manager's project decisions, thereby reducing the agency cost of...
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-Modelle deutliche Unterschiede zwischen quantitativen und qualitativen Kriterien existieren. Desweiteren kann nachgewiesen werden, daß … sowohl im Vergleich zwischen Kredit- und Anleiheratings als auch im Interbankenvergleich der Kreditratings Unterschiede in …
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