Showing 121 - 130 of 12,405
We propose a multi-country trade model with occupational choice, heterogeneous firms, and unemployment to analyze the effects of welfare-maximizing tariffs on welfare, jobs, and top incomes. Consistent with empirical evidence, the model features an employer size-wage premium, complete tariff...
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We propose a multi-country model with occupational choice, heterogeneous firms, unemployment, and revenue-generating tariffs to study the aggregate and distributional consequences of tariff wars in a unified framework. Motivated by the 2018 global tariff war, we calibrate the model to fit a...
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Exploiting variation in exposure to Chinese import growth across U.S. local markets, I investigate the effects of import competition on self-employment between 1990 and 2014. I find Chinese import competition had negative effects on self-employment during the 1990s. However, the negative effects...
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This paper develops a trade model with firm-specific quality heterogeneity in markets where firms face the threat of imitation and engage in limit-pricing strategies. The model generates an endogenous distribution of prices and markups. Firms producing high-quality (high-price) products export,...
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In this paper, I analyze the time paths of the efficiencies of skilled and unskilled labor in aproduction framework where skilled and unskilled labor are imperfect substitutes. Theirimplications for economic growth and wage inequality in the US between 1950 and 2005present two main findings....
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I investigate the long-run implications of trade and technology diffusion through trade, when firms are heterogeneous and trade is costly. The paper integrates firm heterogeneity and trade into product innovation growth models from endogenous growth theory. Two specifications of the R&D process...
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China's growth record since the start of its economic reforms in 1978 has been extraordinary. Yet, this impressive performance has been associated with an increasing regional income disparity. We use a recently developed nonparametric approach to analyze the variation in labor productivity...
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This paper empirically investigates the impact of willingness to take risks on the likelihood of being an entrepreneur. We use a quarter-century of data on second-generation Americans from Current Population Surveys in conjunction with country-level measures of willingness to take risks from the...
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This paper investigates the impact of mothers' earnings on birth weight and gestational age of infants. It also analyzes the impact of earnings on mothers' consumption of prenatal medical care, and their propensity to smoke and drink during pregnancy. The paper uses census-division- and...
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