Showing 51 - 60 of 428
This paper contains a survey of univariate models of conditional heteroskedasticity. The classical ARCH model is mentioned, and various extensions of the standard GARCH model are highlighted. This includes the Exponential GARCH model. Stochastic volatility models remain outside this review. --...
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Applying nonparametric variable selection criteria in nonlinear regression models generally requires a substantial computational effort if the data set is large. In this paper we present a selection technique that is computationally much less demanding and performs well in comparison with...
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In this paper we introduce the STAR-STGARCH model that can characterizenonlinear behaviour both in the conditional mean and the conditionalvariance. A modelling cycle for this family of models, consisting ofspecification, estimation, and evaluation stages is constructed.Misspecification tests...
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This paper suggests a unified framework for testing the adequacy of anestimated GARCH model. Nothing more complicated than standard asymptotictheory is required. Parametric tests of no ARCH in standardized errors,symmetry, and parameter constancy are suggested. Estimating the alternativewhen the...
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We propose a new method for medium-term forecasting using exogenous information. We first show how a shifting-mean autoregressive model can be used to describe characteristic features in inflation series. This implies that we decompose the inflation process into a slowly moving nonstationary...
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