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. This paper overviews the most important contributions and presents a newapproach which applies spatial econometrics on …
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of computationalexperiments. We examine the current situation in econometrics and derive a set of guidelinesfrom our … econometrics that explores thenite-sample power of certain structural change tests. …
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promise for econometrics isparallel computation, either on a single computer with multiple processors,or on separate computers …
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Assuming the existence of Hegel‟s consistent overall picture of the concept of entropy, the author transfers the physical term of entropy into economics and sociology and illuminates the relevance of second law of thermodynamics within both disciplines. Basis of translation is the present...
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The rapidly growing literature on the relationship between energy consumption and economicgrowth has not univocally identi…ed the ‘real’causal relationship yet. We argue that bivariate mod-els, which analyze the causality at the level of the total economy, are not appropriate — especiallyin...
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Inter-rm competition has received much attention in the theoreticalliterature, but recent empirical work suggests that the growth rates of ri-val rms are uncorrelated, and that rm growth can be taken as an essen-tially independent process. We begin by investigating the correlations of thegrowth...
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The objective of this paper is to identify the impact of public and private agriculturalresearch on multi-output multi-input profit maximizing decisions of Midwestern farmers. The mainhypothesis is that investments in public and private R&D shift outward the supply curves for cropand livestock...
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Recently, we have seen falling oil prices combined with sticky costs at a high level in thepetroleum industry. This causes project postponements, thus challenging reserve replacement ofoil companies and security of supply for consumers. Costs are particularly high for drilling. Highrig rates are...
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In this paper we examine the relation between geographic location and innovative behavior.Knowledge spillins, as opposed to knowledge spillovers, are modeled as an externality which existsbetween geographically close economic agents and enters the representative inventor productionfunction...
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The primary focus of this paper is the impact of knowledge creation and innovative activity onnon-farm employment growth. Non-farm employment growth is modeled in a stylized modelwhere new knowledge and local economic externalities are key factors driving technologygrowth. For our empirical...
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