Showing 101 - 110 of 432
New economic geography models predict migration flows from peripheral regions toward central ones. Agglomeration occurs in these models because firms, which tend to locate in large demand regions, and workers, who look for high real wages, are driven by the same force defined by the market...
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We are interested by Lyapounov exponents in the almost periodic Hamiltonian case.
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Knickerbocker (1973) introduced "oligopolistic Reaction" to explain why firms follow rivals into foreign markets. We develop a model that incorporates the central features of Knickerbocker's stroy - oligopoly, uncertainty, and risk aversion - to establish the conditions required to generate...
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We have recalled that all interval doubling schemes of a bounded lattice L are in bijection with all different ways to conduct L starting from the two-element lattice by doublings of convex sets.
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Traditional trade models ignoring the dimension of product quality generally lead to excessively low trade price elasticities. In this paper, we show that higher estimated trade price elasticities, more in conformity with theory, can be obtained by controlling product quality in trade equations....
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This paper investigate the existence of asymmetric equilibria in a pure exchange economy with individual risks. The model is an extension of Malinvaud's (1973). Agents face identical pure individual risks: their endowments and utility functions only depend on their individual state; but there...
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This paper examines jointly the empirical relevance of the mean-reversion and the PPP hypotheses in the exchange rate dynamics under the EMS.
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Quel systeme mondial la triade Etats-Unis-Europe-Japon cherche-t-elle a imposer a travers l'actuelle mondialisation neo-liberale, quel systeme mondial alternatif serait en contrepoids possible et souhaitable, quel role pourrait y tenir le Sud ? Telles sont les questions auxquelles ce document de...
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Cumulative prospect theory was introduced by Tversky and Kahneman to combine the empirical realism of their original prospect theory with the theoretical advantages of rank-dependent utility. Preference axiomatizations were provided in several papers. All exosting axiomatizations, however, only...
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We develop here a framework of cross currency arbitrage in the presence of a currency peg. In particular the relationship between interest rate and FX derivatives is analysed in such a framework.
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