Showing 41 - 50 of 432
Cet article a pour but de demontrer la viabilite des politique de taxation du capital dans une economie mondiale a deux pays avec imparfaite substituabilite des capitaux. Les agents sont altruistes et donnent une partie de leur patrimoine a leurs enfants. La presence d'une contrainte sur les...
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This article intends to study the potential benefit of moving from a flexible exchange rate regime to a monetary union. To this end, we develop a two countries intertemporal general equilibrium model. We extend the Obstfeld and Rogoff [1995a] specification by introducing both physical capital...
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In this survey article, we report results on the existence of pure-strategy Nash equilibria in games with an atomless continuum of players, each with an action set that is not necessarily finite. We also discuss purification and symmetrization of mixed-strategy Nash equilibria, and settings in...
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Nous nous intéressons à l'imposition du revenu, entendue dans un sens très large puisque nous y incluons l'impôt négatif que constitue le versement de subventions accordées sous conditions de revenu. Dans le barème actuel, les taux marginaux d'imposition ont un profil en U. La...
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It is argued that the large debate which had organised in the recent period about the nature of returns to scale and the associated area of local indeterminacies within competitive economies was misplaced as soon as the environment encompassed more than one good. This is established through the...
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We consider a stylized bond-equity economy, which though incomplete per se, has a rich enough set of assets available for trade such that given standard assumptions about behavior under uncertainty, the equilibrium allocation would arbitrarily approximate a complete market allocation. We show,...
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Nous exposons dans cet article les avancees de la theorie de la decision en environnement incertain au cours des vingt dernieres années. plus precisément, nous partons des modeles d'esperance (objective et subjective) d'utilite pour ensuite en presenter les generalisations recentes.
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We establish necessary conditions of optimality for problems of optimal control Theory in the discrete time framework with infinite horizon. Our necessary conditions are in the form of Pontryagin principles. We treat smooth and partially nonsmooth settings, without concavity. A strong motivation...
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Lorsque n individus adoptent un standard en fonction de "regles locales" selon leur position sur un ensemble S = {1, 2, ..., n}, il apparait une correlation spatiale entre ces choix. D'autres situations conduisent au contraire a une independance spatiale. Dans ce travail, nous etudions quelques...
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