Showing 21 - 30 of 160
Consider a small developing economy with a manufacturing sector opened to international trade, and an agricultural sector having limited, not to say any, access to world markets. We modify the Grossman and Helpman's influence-driven model of trade policy formation to allow for an endogenously...
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Not withstanding the equivalence in static framework between an ad-valorem and a specific sale tax, this paper shows in the dynamic Hotelling model for an exhaustible resource that the ad valorem tax is definitely welfare-superior to the specific tax.
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This paper studies the design of a mining concession contract as a multi-period autoselection problem where production is the depletion of a non renewable resource. As compared to symmetric information, we show that overproduction (resp. underproduction) is optimal in the initial phase (resp....
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This paper examines a model of optimal growth where the agregation of two separate well behaved and concave production technologies exhibits a basic non-convexity. Multiple equilibria prevail in an intermediate range of interest rate. However, we show that the optimal paths monotonically...
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