Showing 41 - 50 of 13,692
Economies with asymmetric information are encompassed by an extension of the model of general competitive equilibrium …
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We state conditions for existence and uniqueness of equilibria in evolu- tionary models with an infinity of locally and globally interacting agents. Agents face repeated discrete choice problems. Their utility depends on the actions of some designated neighbors and the average choice throughout...
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general-equilibrium approach of the neoclassical school. In the first part the author shortly reviews the theme of …
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general-equilibrium analysis in the presence of money illusion generates implications that are consistent with several …
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Under a comonotonicity assumption between aggregate dividends and the market portfolio, the CCAPM formula becomes more tractable and more easily testable. In this paper, we provide theoretical justifications for such an assumption.
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equilibrium theory in 1960—1990s. We divide the papers into four subgroups: von Neumann—Gale class of models and equilibrium … growth; Arrow—Debreu class of models; disequilibrium theory; other branches of general equilibrium theory. Bibliometric …
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This volume is a collection of papers that apply general equilibrium theory in order to obtain policy relevant insights … dynamic numerical general equilibrium methods to quantify the effects of geographic extension of the European Union, including …
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In this paper we first prove an equilibrium existence theorem for finite dimensional economies with unbounded below … give conditions for equivalence between absence of arbitrage and existence of equilibrium. Lastly, we introduce the concept …
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to study the mechanism of transfer between generations, and we show that the existence of an equilibrium can be …
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We consider a pure exchange overlapping generations economy with finitely many commodities and consumers per period having possibly non-complete non transitive preferences. We provide a geometric and direct proof of the Balasko-Shell characterization of Pareto optimal allocation. To avoid some...
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