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In this empirical study we assess both linear and nonlinear relationship between total taxation and several tax items … evaluate the effects of taxation on economic growth for both short and long run perspectives, and to find optimal tax threshold … values. We obtain evidence of nonlinear relationships between all tax items, except for corporate income taxation, as well as …
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The following study identifies five periods with different price regimes (for main hydrocarbons): 1) 1986-1996, where these prices are part of the Government's fiscal policy to finance part of the structural adjustment policies after the inflationary period; 2) 19971999, when a new methodology...
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Large and growing levels of public debt in the United States, United Kingdom, Japan and the Euro Area raise new interest in the cross-country effects of a large open economy's deficits. The authors consider a dynamic optimising model with costly tax collection and exogenously given public...
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We use a quantitative heterogeneous agent model with nominal rigidities and unemployment risk to analyze the effectiveness of several fiscal policies in stabilizing a demand-driven recession. The model delivers empirically realistic distributions of marginal propensities to consume (mpc) and...
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This paper develops a model of optimal debt maturity in which the government cannot issue statecontingent debt. As the literature has established, if the government can perfectly commit to fiscal policy, it fully insulates the economy against government spending shocks by purchasing short-term...
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framework for the analysis of the relationship between taxation and economic growth. The second part focuses on the relations … between central government decisions on taxation and its influence on savings, investments and economic growth. In this part … authors checks two points of view on taxation. The first is that a low level tax burden is conducive to economic growth, and …
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We provide a comprehensive survey of the recent literature on the link between productive government expenditure and economic growth. Starting with the seminal paper of Robert Barro (1990) we show that an understanding of the core results of the ensuing contributions can be gained from the study...
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Large and growing levels of public debt in the United States, United Kingdom, Japan and the Euro Area raise new interest in the cross-country effects of a large open economy's deficits. We consider a dynamic optimising model with costly tax collection and exogenously given public spending and...
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The following study identifies five periods with different price regimes (for main hydrocarbons): 1) 1986-1996, where these prices are part of the Government's fiscal policy to finance part of the structural adjustment policies after the inflationary period; 2) 19971999, when a new methodology...
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The following study identifies five periods with different price regimes (for main hydrocarbons): 1) 1986-1996, where these prices are part of the Government's fiscal policy to finance part of the structural adjustment policies after the inflationary period; 2) 1997-1999, when a new methodology...
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