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The algorithms of inverse iteration and Rayleigh quotient iteration for approximating an eigenpair of a matrix contain a step in which a matrix-vector equation must be solved.The behaviour of these algorithms is analysed if this equation is solved only approximately with a known tolerance.
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.One sufficient condition is that matrix X-1 is an inverse M-matrix.A class of matrices for which the inequality holds is presented. …
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examples; no proofs. In the five sections given below, we present the most im- portant notions and facts about matrices related …
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In this and a sequel paper [10] we study combinatorial designs whose incidence matrix has two distinct singular values.These generalize 2-(v, k, É) designs, and include partial geometric designs and uniform multiplicative designs.Here we study the latter, which are precisely the nonsingular...
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Suppose one looks for a square integral matrixN, for which NN has a prescribed form.Then the Hasse-Minkowski invariants and the determinant of NN lead to necessary conditions for existence.The Bruck-Ryser-Chowla theorem gives a famous example of such conditions in case N is the incidence matrix...
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In this and an earlier paper [17] we study combinatorial designs whose incidence matrix has two distinct singular values.These generalize (v, k, ë) designs, and include uniform multiplicative designs and partial geometric designs.Here we study the latter, which are precisely the designs with...
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Conditions are derived for the consistency of kernel estimators of the covariance matrix of a sum of vectors of dependent heterogeneous random variables, which match those of the currently best-known conditions for the central limit theorem, as required for a unified theory of asymptotic...
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