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To study similarities among the set of rows -and columns- of a contingency table, Correspondence Analysis uses chi-squared distances between row profiles -and column profiles- of that table. This article presents a factor analysis for the study of a set of contingency tables in which, unlike...
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[EN] Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) studies the relationship between several categorical variables defined with respect to a certain population. However, one of the main sources of information are those surveys in which it is usual to find a certain number of absent data and conditioned...
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Idazleen nahia, esatariaren lehentasunak eta antolaketa mugaketak kontuan izanik, helburu anitzeko eredu bat zehaztea da, horrela Osakidetzako erietxe konkretu bateko jarduera zehaztu ahal izango dugu eta beraz, baita aurrekontuaren esleipena. Aldi berean, aurrekontu zuzkidura doituz, zentroaren...
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[ES] Proponemos un modelo de programación por metas para la estimación del plan de producción (case-mix) que debe reflejarse en el ContratoӐrograma que suscriben anualmente los Hospitales Públicos y la Administración. Las variables de decisión son los volúmenes de actividad de cada...
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In this work we extend to the multistage case two recent risk averse measures for two-stage stochastic programs based on first- and second-order stochastic dominance constraints induced by mixed-integer linear recourse. Additionally, we consider Time Stochastic Dominance (TSD) along a given...
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This paper provides with a review of the state of the art of environmental valuation with discrete choice experiments (DCE). The growing body of literature on this field serves to emphasise the increasing role that DCE are playing in environmental decision making in the last decade. The paper...
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The aim of this technical report is to present some detailed explanations in order to use the solver CPLEX within COIN-OR environment. In particular, we describe how to download, install and use the corresponding source code and libraries under Windows and Linux operating systems. We will use an...
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This paper compares the performance of three different time-varying betas that have never previously been compared: the rolling OLS estimator, a nonparametric estimator and an estimator based on GARCH models. The study is conducted using returns from the Mexican stock market grouped into six...
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We propose a two-dimensional Kalman filter approach that, additional to the information contained in futures prices evolution over time, makes use of information contained in the term structure of commodity futures along a second dimension of maturities. This time-maturity surface reflects a...
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