Showing 11 - 20 of 1,862
In 1991 a major tax reform was implemented in Sweden. This study compares the income equalization (income redistribution), vertical and horizontal equity properties of the pre- and post-reform tax and transfer systems. The method used is a decomposition, first proposed by Kakwani (1984), of the...
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The effect of economic incentives on absenteeism in Sweden is examined. Based on a utility funcion, frequently used in labour supply studies, absenteeism is modelled as an individual day-to-day decision. Implications of compensating wage differentials and efficiency wage hypotheses are...
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This paper provides an overview of the Swedish social security system and its impact on individual retirement behavior. First, we give some historical facts, as well as a more detailed description of the current situation, of labor market behavior of older persons. Second, we describe the social...
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There are at least two instrumental motives for studying earnings mobility. First, to extend the analysis of income distribution to more than one time period. Second, to predict future individual earnings. For both these motives, adequate models of earnings mobility are needed. This study...
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The effect of economic incentives on worker absenteeism is analyzed using panel data on work absence behavior for each day during 1990 and 1991 (i.e. 730 observations in the time dimension) for a representative sample of 1,396 Swedish blue collar workers. During the observed time period, a major...
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We examine the effects of economic incentives inherent in pension schemes and income security programs on retirement behavior in the Swedish labor market. We use social security wealth and three alternative measures of accrual (one-year benefit accrual, peak value and option value). The social...
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The incidence and duration of work-absence spells for a sample of Swedish blue-collar workers in 1990 and 1991 are analyzed using the Kaplan-Meier non-parametric estimator, discrete-time hazard regression as well as stratified Cox regression. We focus on the effect of economic incentives, i.e.,...
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In this paper we derive an exact relationship between the net investment at a given point in time and future consumption plans. Our result is general in the sense that it neither requires a constant rate of time preference nor an exponential discount function. One interpretation of the result is...
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This paper analyses how market shares for brand name drugs are affected by generic competition. The analysis is based on micro data for twelve different original drugs, which are all subject to generic competition. For five of these drugs, we find that the price of the original relative to the...
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