Showing 62,821 - 62,830 of 67,041
This paper studies the long-run behavior of relative price dispersion among cities in Korea with a special emphasis on heterogeneous transitional patterns of price level dynamics. Formal statistical tests indicate considerable evidence for rejecting the null of relative price level convergence...
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regime, we show that inflation target has helped in reducing the ERPT, with older regimes more successful than younger ones … fluctuations contribute to inflation instability …
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This paper revisits the issue of determinants of inflation in India in a Phillips curve framework and makes two key … contributions in relation to existing studies. First, in the context of the Reserve Bank moving towards a flexible inflation … targeting framework based on consumer price index (CPI) inflation, this paper attempts to model dynamics of the CPI inflation …
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The notion of a global currency is a debate set aside in the past decade as the abstraction saw little potential for realization in a world with heterogeneous governments unwilling to sacrifice seigniorage for optimal design. The technical capability of creating digital currencies, independent...
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Targeting Nominal GDP growth by monetary policymakers is equivalent to a restriction on policymaker preferences for an optimality condition derived under rational expectations. This paper reports the results of simulations of a calibrated model comparing Nominal GDP growth targeting with the...
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relation where inflation dynamics depend on excess unemployment, a risk premium and the fraction of firms receiving financing … of bank managers confirms the importance of these variables for inflation dynamics …
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Italian Abstract: Nel presente lavoro, utilizzando i dati raccolti nell'indagine sui bilanci delle famiglie italiane, si esaminano comparativamente le condizioni di benessere percepite dalle famiglie del Centro-Nord e meridionali, cercando di individuare i fattori in grado di spiegarne il...
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Strukturwidrig deshalb, weil die Gemeinden, die privaten Haushaltungen und auch die kleinen sowie mittelständischen Unternehmungen auf die Dienstleistungen der Banken vor Ort nach wie vor angewiesen sind
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Chile was the second country in the world to adopt inflation targeting (IT), setting its first annual target in … September 1990. IT was used as a device to bring inflation gradually down to a stationary 3% level. This paper analyzes four … reported in this paper shows that credibility grew as inflation targets were attained, that there is little “fear of floating …
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This paper examines a class of interest rate rules, studied in Evans and Honkapohja (2003, 2006), that respond to public expectations and to lagged variables. Their work is extended by considering varying levels of commitment that correspond to varying degrees of response to lagged output. Under...
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