Showing 81 - 90 of 331
The rapid widespread technological change and concomitant deregulation of network industries has engendered a burgeoning demand for connection between technologically similar as well as technologically dissimilar networks. The processes by which interconnection contracts are reached and the...
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On January 27 the Justice Minister released a discussion document proposing to criminalise cartel activities such as price fixing and bid rigging. In this seminar Professor Evans will consider efficiency aspects of the Minister's proposal in particular the efficiencies which can arise when...
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Lewis Evans, at a half day seminar presented, Measuring and developing the performance of New Zealand's power market in September 2003. A more detailed paper by Kevin Counsell and Lewis Evans entitled Day-Ahead Electricity Markets: Is there a Place for a Day-Ahead Market in the NZEM is available...
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New Zealand has introduced legislation to implement the world's first 'all sectors all gases' emissions trading scheme (ETS) as a way of reducing the country's greenhouse gas emissions. The Scheme is to retrospectively introduce a price for carbon emissions in forestry from 1 January 2008 and...
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The paper takes the efficiency objective of the authorisation process under theCommerce Act 1986 as given. This objective makes competition law completely consistent with thrust of New Zealand public policy since the early 1980s. This has entailed the separation of efficiency and equity in...
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Setting aside certain complications that can arise due to market power it is a relatively straightforward matter to derive (if not implement) a valuation formula for FTRs and to relate FTR valuation with the proceeds of the FTR auction allowing for both taxation and auction efficiency. If the...
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Money and Medicines (WFB) analyses government provision of prescription pharmaceuticals in New Zealand focussing on the performance of the Pharmaceutical Management Agency Ltd. (Pharmac). Pharmac is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Transitional Health Authority (THA) and has the responsibility...
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Slides from the presentation by Professor Lewis Evans on Infrastructure Investment and Uncertainty, presented at the IIPS/Motu Workshop, victoria University on July 13, 2010.
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Cooperatives and other forms of farmer controlled businesses (FCBs) are major players in a number of New Zealand's agricultural sectors and together account for a significant share of New Zealand's economic activity. The New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) has commissioned the...
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Lew Evans assesses the state of play in New Zealand regulation at The Institute of Directors (Wellington Branch) Breakfast address on 11 October 2007.
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