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Xeikon N.V. is a young NASDAQ-listed company in the digital colour printing market. First of all, the student is expected to step into the role of an independent expert advising Xeikon''s CEO. Although it is already clear that digital colour printing is competitive mainly at relatively small...
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This paper introduces a zero lower bound constraint on the nominal interest rate in a financial accelerator model with nominal and real rigidities. We .rst analyze the implicationsfor aggregate dynamics of binding the zero lower bound for shocks that depress the nominalinterest rate. We include...
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Conferences are an important element in the work of researchers, requiring substantial investments in fees, travel expenses and the time spent by the participants. The aim of this paper is to identify the preferences of participants with respect to conference characteristics. Based on a sample...
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This paper compares two approaches that aim to explain the lagged and persistent behaviorof inflation and output after a variation in the interest rate. Two variants that produce inertiaare added to a baseline DSGE model of sticky prices: 1) a lagged inflation indexation rulealong with habit...
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Recently, the OMG has been working on developing a new standard for a business process management notation (BPMN). This standard development results in documents that contain the newest approved version of a standard or a standard proposal that can be ammended. It is our vision that such a...
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More often than not production processes are the joint endeavor of people having different abilities and productivities. Such production processes and the associated surplus production are often not fully transparent in the sense that the relative contributions of involved agents are blurred;...
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Redistribution is an inevitable feature of collective pension schemes and economic experiments have revealed that most people have a preference for redistribution that is not merely inspired by self-interest. Interestingly, little is known on how these preferences interact with preferences for...
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This paper studies a traditional monopolistic market of information goods in the presenceof an inherently strong peer-to-peer file-sharing network. Specifically, such a strongnetwork is made possible by a few fanatic users who selflessly contribute to the sharingof files. We find that the most...
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We introduce the concept of a transferable utility game with uncertainty (TUU-game). In a TUU-game there is uncertainty regarding the payoffs of coalitions. One out of a finite number of states of nature may materialize and conditional on the state, the players are involved in a particular...
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The role of detrending in bootstrap unit root tests is investigated. When bootstrapping, detrending must not only be done for the construction of the test statistic, but also in the first step of the bootstrap algorithm. It is argued that the two points should be treated separately. Asymptotic...
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