Showing 91 - 100 of 15,443
In this paper, we test cointegration between GDP and Public consumption of the Republic of North Macedonia, for quarterly data of twenty years' time series (2000Q1-2019Q4). We present results of two methods for cointegration test: first, residual regression test table and second, Engle & Granger...
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In this paper, we test Granger causality in VAR environment of the State Budget's capital expenditures on the GDP. There is no doubt that capital expenditures for infrastructure projects, energetic, communications and similar have direct and indirect impact on the GDP growth, but non-essential...
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Initial Public Offerings are, by definition, not seasoned securities. They have not been subjected to valuation by the community of investors. It is often difficult or impossible to forecast their future cash flows because most do not have a long history of publicly disclosed financial...
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In this paper, we explore the role of trade in the evolution of labor share in Latin American countries. We use trade agreements with large economies (the United States, the European Union, and China) to capture the effect of sharp changes in trade. In the last two decades, labor share has...
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In this note, I will look at history of Lasso estimation, which is the benchmark high dimensional estimation technique. I want to also give a perspective where Lasso may be evolving.
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We provide an update on the impact the COVID-19 pandemic on the demand for cash and the use of methods of payment based on data from the Bank Note Distribution System and from consumer surveys conducted in April and August 2021. Our key findings are as follows: Cash in circulation remained high...
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Nonparametric methods have been widely used for assessing the performance of organizations in the private and public sector. The most popular ones are based on envelopment estimators, like the FDH or DEA estimators, that estimate the attainable sets and its efficient boundary by enveloping the...
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We propose a nonparametric Bayesian approach for conducting inference on probabilistic surveys. We use this approach to study whether U.S. Survey of Professional Forecasters density projections for output growth and inflation are consistent with the noisy rational expectations hypothesis. We...
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The aim of this research was determining the factors of growth in the textile and food sector of Pakistan. The research study analyzed data from the financial statements of textile and food sector companies of Pakistan for the period 2013-17. A fixed effect regression model was used for...
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The article focuses on the analysis of economic growth of Ukraine and its regions, using the proposed by the authors indicators of quality and indicators of the population living standards under innovation growth. The main purpose of the research is developing a method of multi-factor assessment...
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