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que la maturation du Regime de pensions du Canada et du Regime de rentes du Quebec (RPC/RRQ) a entraine une reduction …
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In this paper, we assemble data from several household surveys to document how pension coverage of young and older … administrative data from the Pension Plans in Canada (PPIC) database and data from household surveys show an increase in RPP coverage … for women. In contrast, while PPIC data show a decrease in coverage for men, household surveys indicate no downward trend …
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income inequality among the elderly between the early 1980s and the mid-1990s. In the absence of offsetting trends, the … growing inequality in Canadian families preparedness for retirement implies that that the distribution of family income among …
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On utilise les donnees de la banque de donnees administratives longitudinales (DAL) pour comparer la situation a la retraite et les taux de remplacement du revenu atteints par des personnes qui, en 1991 et/ou en 1992, alors qu'elles etaient au milieu de la cinquantaine, participaient a un regime...
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Data from the Longitudinal Administrative Data (LAD) base are used to compare the retirement status and earnings replacement rates achieved by individuals who were, and individuals who were not, Registered Pension Plan members in 1991 and/or 1992, when they were in their mid-fifties. Among men...
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Le present document vise a determiner dans quelle mesure le revenu familial gagne pendant les annees de travail est < remplace > pendant les annees de retraite. A cette fin, on suit des cohortes au fur et a mesure qu'elles avancent en age, a partir du milieu de la cinquantaine jusqu'a la fin de leur...</remplace>
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quintile. In retirement, public pensions and other transfers more than replace earnings and other income of bottom quintile …This paper examines the extent to which family income during working years is replaced during the retirement years. It … almost all Canadians (80% to 85% of the population). The adult-equivalent-adjusted family income available to the median …
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L'accession a la propriete influe sur les decisions en matiere d'investissement, de consommation et d'epargne, et elle joue un role important au regard du mieux-etre a la retraite. Le present document pose deux questions. En premier lieu, dans quelle mesure les Canadiens acquierent-ils et...
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Dans le present article, on estime le revenu implicite genere par la valeur nette du logement des menages en age de travailler et de ceux a l'age de la retraite. Cela permet de mieux saisir l'etat de preparation a la retraite des Canadiens en tenant compte des services que realisent les...
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the 2006 Census of Population, we find that housing services make an important contribution to household income. When …This paper estimates the implicit income generated by the home equity of working-age and retirement-age households. In … homeowners realize as a result of having invested in their homes. On the basis of both the 2006 Survey of Household Spending and …
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