Showing 8,331 - 8,340 of 8,475
We consider the design of an optimal auction in which the seller can determine the allocation and the disclosure rule of the mechanism. Thus, in contrast to the standard analysis of a optimal auctions, the seller can explicitly design the disclosure of the information received by each bidder as...
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We develop a model of data pricing and targeted advertising. A monopolistic data provider determines the price to access "cookies," i.e., informative signals about individual consumers' preferences. The demand for information is generated by advertisers who seek to tailor their spending to the...
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We investigate the role of market transparency in repeated first-price auctions. We consider a setting with independent private and persistent values. We analyze three distinct disclosure regimes regarding the bid and award history. In the minimal disclosure regime each bidder only learns...
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We analyze data pricing and targeted advertising. Advertisers seek to tailor their spending to the value of each consumer. A monopolistic data provider sells cookies. informative signals about individual consumers' preferences. We characterize the set of consumers targeted by the advertisers and...
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We propose a model of data provision and data pricing. A single data provider controls a large database that contains information about the match value between individual consumers and individual firms (advertisers). Advertisers seek to tailor their spending to the individual match value. The...
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A tanulmány célja az értékpapírok esetében leggyakrabban alkalmazott két aukciós eljárás (az egyenáras és a diszkriminatív áras aukció) összehasonlító elemzése. A szakirodalom elsősorban az aukció várható bevétele szempontjából elemzi a módszereket. Az elméleti...
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Hírtőzsdén olyan, általában elektronikus piacot értünk, ahol különféle jövőbeli eseményekre lehet fogadni. Mint azt már több vizsgálat is megmutatta, ezek a játéktőzsdék alkalmasak arra, hogy a résztvevők rendelkezésére álló elszórt részinformációkat...
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A cikk az árveréselmélet általános kérdéseivel foglalkozik. Az árverés- (aukció-) elmé- let a monopóliumelmélet részterülete, vizsgálati módszerei a játékelméletből származ- nak. A dolgozatban áttekintjük a téma néhány korábbi, figyelemre méltó eredményét,...
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We study first- and second-price private value auctions with sequential bidding where second movers may discover the first movers bids. There is a unique equilibrium in the first-price auction and multiple equilibria in the second-price auction. Consequently, comparative statics across price...
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A novel method to measure bidders’ costs in descending first price sealed bid auctions is introduced. The novelty is based on two intuitively appealing economic assumptions on which bidders’ costs are given an imperfect measurements interpretation. Theory provides no guidance as to the shape...
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