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This article analyzes how macroeconomic fundamentals and high price-earnings ratios on stocks will affect long-run returns. The first section reviews the stock market's recent performance and describes how investors and analysts have reacted to this performance. The second section shows how...
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The performance of stock prices during breaks in trading has received considerable attention in recent years. While some studies focus on performance surrounding periods of unscheduled trading breaks (trading halts in individual stocks, circuit breakers for exchanges), other studies look at...
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The record number of fifty-point daily moves in the Dow Jones Industrial Average in 1996--forty-five in the first three quarters alone--has attracted considerable media attention. An analysis traces this phenomenon to two basic causes: the record level of the Dow and the return of price...
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The U.S, stock market entered 2000 with five consecutive years of exceptional gains. The S&P 500 index gained more than 18 percent each of these five years, and its value tripled since 1995. Concern has arisen recently that the stock market may be headed for a downturn because firms' share...
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