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Testing data for stationarity is very important in research where the underlying variables based on time. Moreover time series data analysis has many applications in many areas including studying the relationship between wages and house prices, profits and dividends, and consumption and GDP. An...
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Impact investing typically involves ranking and selecting assets based on a non-financial impact factor, such as the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) score, the amount of carbon emissions, and the prospect of developing a disease-curing drug. We develop a framework for constructing...
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Swaps are the monster of illicit financing once solely supported by Hydra–like cryptocurrencies and the informal value transfer system. Their complexity and opaque private market provide ideal cover for money laundering and proliferation financing beyond the reach of detection from lay...
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In applications of predictive modeling, such as insurance pricing, indirect or proxy discrimination is an issue of major concern. Namely, there exists the possibility that protected policyholder characteristics are implicitly inferred from non-protected ones by predictive models, and are thus...
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In 1959, Ragnar Frisch prompted Georg Rasch to formalise a separability theorem that continues today to serve as the basis of a wide range of theoretical and applied developments in psychological and social measurement. Previously unnoted are the influences on Rasch exerted by Frisch’s...
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The main goal of this paper is to better understand the behavior of credit spreads in the past and the potential risk of unexpected future credit spread changes. One important consideration to note regarding credit spreads is the fact that bond spreads contain a liquidity premium, which...
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Romanian Abstract: Coeficienţii ecuaţiilor asociate trendurilor polinomiale seriilor de timp pot fi identificaţi prin intermediul unor regresii multiple liniare. Această lucrare oferă un exemplu de estimare a parametrilor unui trend cvadratic
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Romanian Abstract: Parametrii ecuaţiilor unor trenduri neliniare pot fi estimaţi, cu ajutorul unor transformări aplicate variabilei dependente sau celei independente, prin intermediul unor regresii simple liniare. Această lucrare abordează identificarea a două tipuri de astfel de trenduri:...
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Romanian Abstract: Analiza trendului este o componentă importantă a unei investigaţii asupra evoluţiei unei variabile. Rezultatele acesteia pot servi în aprecierea tendinţei fiind utile, totodată, în prognoze. În această lucrare este abordată estimarea trendurilor seriilor de timp...
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Hedging of illiquid financial instruments is carried out with liquid instruments that, as a rule, have simpler payoff functions. For example, hedging of Asian or long-dated put options is carried out with vanilla puts, hedging of Bermuda swaptions is done with vanilla swaptions, etc. This kind...
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