Showing 131 - 140 of 1,733
Competition tends to promote efficient (equilibrium) behavior through the higher survival of the organizations (say firms) that adopt it. On the other hand, culture (understood as the "inherited" social pattern of behavior) may induce certain short-run inertias. This paper analyzes a dynamic...
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In this paper, we study the return to human capital variables for wages of workers observed in Tunisian matched worker-firm data in 1999. We develop a new method based on multivariate analysis of firm characteristics, which allows us most of the benefits obtained by introducing firm dummies in...
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In thib paper we provide Lagrangean conditions in a problem generalenough to encompass both the classical quasiconcave optimization problemand the maximization of binary relations.The formal results are applied to consumer theory, providinganalytical characterizations of the solution to the...
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This paper looks at the endogenous formation of airline alliances bymeans of a two-stage game where first airlines decide whether to form analliance and then fares are determined. We analyze the profitability and thestrategic effects of airline alliances when two complementary...
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In this paper we study an oligopolistic equilibria in which (possibly few) corporations can create as many firms as they like. It is shown by means of two examples that under constant returns to scale, Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibria implies perf ect competition.
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This paper examines the stochastic volatility model suggested by Heston (1993). We employ a time-series approach to estimate the model and we discuss the potential effects of time-varying skewness and kurtosis on the performance of the model. In particular, it is found that the model tends to...
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To analyse the forward risk premium in the Spanish electricity market, we adopt not only an ex post approach, but also an ex ante. We find that the sign of the ex post forward premium depends on the unexpected variation in demand and on the unexpected variation in the hydro-energy capacity, and...
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In this paper a new numerical representation of preferences (by means of set-valued real functions) is proposed. Our representation extends the usual utility function (in case preferences are preorder-type) as well as the pairwise representation (in case preferences are interval-order type)....
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A diagonal image may be defined as a point in the image of agiven mapping, whose components are all equal. This paper investigates sufficient conditions for a set-valued mapping to have quasi-diagonal images(in an extended sense). More specifically, we shall show that anupper-hemicontinuous...
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Finding solutions to the Bellman equation often relies on restrictive boundedness assumptions. In this paper we develop a method of proof that allows to dispense with the assumption that returns are bounded from above. In applications our assumptions only imply that long run average (expected)...
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