Showing 1,201 - 1,210 of 1,260
Experimental evidence suggests that the frequency with which individuals get feedback information on their investments has an effect on risk-taking behavior. In particular, when they are given information sufficiently often, they take fewer risks compared with a situation in which they are...
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We build a framework linking competition in the media market to political participation. Media outlets report on the ability of candidates running for office and compete for audience through their choice of slant. Citizens consume news only if the expected utility of being informed about...
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We analyze two incentive mechanisms as a way of financing public goods. Our mechanism can be interpreted as a variation of a parimutuel lottery in which the total rebate (prize) is made endogenous by setting it equal to a non-increasing function of total bets. The mechanism changes the nature of...
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This paper presents an exercise in the estimation of rural and urban population at municipal level. Our starting point is a population density grid at 1 km2 resolution and national coverage, which has been elaborated previously by the authors. Applying standard criteria in European official...
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While it has long been recognized that active management is an important issue in the area of mutual fund performance, little consensus has been reached about the value managers’ abilities can add. This study attempts to explore both fund and manager characteristics in order to understand...
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This paper analyses the role played by the fiscal equalisation scheme in determining sub-national public borrowing in decentralised countries. We show theoretically how the regional income redistribution modifies the intertemporal budget constraint of the regions and discuss the conditions under...
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This housing market matching model considers two types of home seekers: people who search for a house both in the rental and in the homeownership market, and people who only search in the homeownership market. The house-search process leads to several types of matching and in turn this implies...
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This paper uses a model with a matching function in the labor market, where matches last for one period, to obtain the amount of frictional and non frictional (rationed/disequilibrium) unemployment for different standard wage-setting rules when there are matching frictions. We also compute the...
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This paper studies fiscal federalism when voter information varies across regions. We develop a model of political agency with heterogeneously informed voters. Rent-seeking politicians provide public goods to win the votes of the informed. As a result, rent extraction is lower in regions with...
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This paper analyses the evaluation of the relative performance of a set of groups when their outcomes are defined in terms of categorical data and the groups’ members are heterogeneous. This type of problem has been dealt with in Herrero and Villar (2012) for the case of a homogenous...
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