Showing 71 - 80 of 650
We examine a two country world. We endow each of the countries with externalities from both private and public capital that enable endogenous growth. We show conditions under which an equilibrium exists where both economies grow at constant but different rates.
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The migration of labour can affect economies in several ways. This paper focuses on two of the economic impacts of migration in the context of the recent Welsh experience. Firstly, since migration is a key aspect of labour market flexibility, it is a mechanism through which local and regional...
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The migration of labour is a mechanism through which local and regional labour market differentials can be reduced. It is likely that this mechanism will assume greater importance in the future so long as government assistance to deprived areas continues to decline, firms remain relatively...
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We focus on the political economy question of how incentives to reform are likely to be affected under the unique policy regime provided by the EMU. We develop the analysis using an extended ins & outs Barro-Gordon model of inflation and public expenditure within a framework where labour market...
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This paper uses data drawn from the English Football League to model hazard rates for club managers in the 2002/3 season. Nearly one-third of managers involuntarily exited employment status with their club in that season. We model the hazard on the basis of a spell at risk, rather than the...
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In this paper we consider the relationship between the standards created by national standards bodies and long run economic growth, exploring the relationship in the context of the UK and the British Standards Institution (BSI). We suggest that standards provide a key enabling mechanism for the...
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This paper considers the sources of technological change and productivity growth in the small firm sector of UK manufacturing over the period 1973- 2002, focusing on the mechanisms by which spillovers occur between the large firms which perform the bulk of R&D and smaller firms which are the...
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Latin American countries have been in the eye of economic and ¯nancial storms several times in recent years. Advice from the International Monetary Fund has consistently highlighted the need for sound fiscal policies and lower debt levels. But is public debt relevant? Following a brief...
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This paper examines the claim that the IMF catalyzes other capital flows. We identify a series of propositions based on recent theoretical work, use a treatment effects model to deal with selection bias, and examine whether the IMF catalyzes both aggregate private financial flows and important...
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In this paper we propose an algorithm for the solution of optimal control problems with nonlinear models based on a generalised Gauss- Newton algorithm but making use of analytic model derivatives. The method is implemented in WinSolve, a general nonlinear model solu- tion program.
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