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Since its introduction to a wondering public in 1972, the Cox proportional hazards regression model has become an overwhelmingly popular tool in the analysis of censored survival data. However, some features of the Cox model may cause problems for the analyst or an interpreter of the data. They...
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Background: Multiple imputation (MI) provides an effective approach to handle missing covariate data within prognostic modelling studies, as it can properly account for the missing data uncertainty. The multiply imputed datasets are each analysed using standard prognostic modelling techniques to...
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Background: Multiple imputation (MI) provides an effective approach to handle missing covariate data within prognostic modelling studies, as it can properly account for the missing data uncertainty. The multiply imputed datasets are each analysed using standard prognostic modelling techniques to...
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We provide a program to illustrate interactions between treatment and covariates or between two covariates by using forest plots under either the Cox proportional hazards or the logistic regression model. The program is flexible in both the possibility of illustrating more than one interaction...
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This article introduces a new measure of explained variation for use with censored survival data. It is a modified version of a measure previously described by John O'Quigley and colleagues, itself a modification of Nagelkerke’s earlier proposal for a general index of determination. I describe...
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The command listsort for sorting the contents of a set of local macros is introduced and illustrated. Copyright 2001 by Stata Corporation.
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