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In this paper, we present a method for the accurate estimation of the derivative (aka. sensitivity) of expectations of functions involving an indicator function by combining a stochastic algorithmic differentiation and a regression.The method is an improvement of the approach presented in [Risk...
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Among numerical methods for valuing derivatives, lattice- based models like the binomial are useful for pricing American options, but have difficulty with path dependent contracts. Monte Carlo simulation is good for path- dependent problems, but has trouble with American early exercise. And for...
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We propose a structural model for the valuation of defaultable securities of a firm which models the effect of deliberate misreporting done by insiders in the firm and unobserved by others. We derive exact formulas for equity and bond prices and approximate expressions for the conditional...
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After Lehman default (credit crisis 2007), practitioners considered the default risk as a major risk. The regulators pushed the industry to use collateral in order to reduce the risk. In this new world, we want to see how this new considerations affect the theory related to the Partial...
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This paper proposes the use of analytical approximations to price an heterogeneous basket option combining commodity prices, foreign currencies and zero-coupon bonds. The performance of three moment matching approximations is examined: inverse gamma, Edgeworth expansion around the lognormal and...
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An uncollateralized swap hedged back-to-back by a CCP swap is used to introduce FVA. The open IR01 of FVA, however, is a sure sign of risk not being fully hedged, a theoretical no-arbitrage pricing concern, and a bait to lure market risk capital, a practical business concern. By dynamically...
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Funding Valuation Adjustment (FVA) has been introduced as the CVA and DVA after the default of Lehman Brother. After the subprime crisis, the basis spread was not negligible anymore, credit and liquidity risk became the first concern. In addition, regulators put in place reforms, which associate...
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After Lehman default and the Euro Crisis (crisis which started mid-2007), the industry started to consider the funding risk as a major risk. The practitioners began to charge for their funding cost. In this stressed context, the FVA has been the subject of intense debate, even its definition is...
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Monte Carlo simulation or probability simulation is a technique used to understand the impact of risk and uncertainty in financial and other forecasting models. It is very useful when complex financial instruments need to be priced. Exotic options are listed on the JSE on its Can-Do platform....
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In this paper, we propose two practicable approaches for consistently modelling the realworld and risk-neutral measures within cross-asset Monte-Carlo frameworks. We go on to explore the necessity of supporting the real-world measure and consider its calibration with the aid of an explicit...
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