Showing 3,971 - 3,980 of 3,982
A cikk az árveréselmélet általános kérdéseivel foglalkozik. Az árverés- (aukció-) elmé- let a monopóliumelmélet részterülete, vizsgálati módszerei a játékelméletből származ- nak. A dolgozatban áttekintjük a téma néhány korábbi, figyelemre méltó eredményét,...
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A rendszerváltás eufóriájában még a szakemberek közül is sokan bíztak abban, hogy a széteső szocialista gazdaságban eluralkodó erőszak és gazdasági bűnözés helyébe a piacgazdaságra jellemző kölcsönösség és méltányos csere lép. Ehelyett azonban egy évtizeddel a...
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Social networks are an important component in understanding the decision to consume addictive substances. They capture the role of limited access, peer influence, and social acceptance and tolerance. However, despite the empirical evidence of their role, they have been absent from theoretical...
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Previous research has suggested that communication and especially promises increase cooperation in laboratory experiments. This has been taken as evidence for internal motivations such as guilt aversion or preference for promise keeping. The original goal of this paper was to examine promises...
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Consider agents who undertake costly effort to produce stochastic outputs observable by a principal. The principal can award a prize deterministically to the agent with the highest output, or to all of them with probabilities that are proportional to their outputs. We show that, if there is...
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Este artículo introduce un modelo de competencia política entre dos partidos políticos que, además de no representar los deseos y las necesidades de los votantes en una economía no-prioritarista, movilizan su masa electoral a través de la compra de votos. Se establece una relación entre...
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We study conditional cooperation based on a sequential two-person linear public good game in which a trusting first contributor can be exploited by a second contributor. After playing this game the first contributor is allowed to punish the second contributor. The consequences of sanctioning...
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We study conditional cooperation based on a sequential two-person linear public good game in which a trusting first contributor can be exploited by a second contributor. After playing this game the first contributor is allowed to punish the second contributor. The consequences of sanctioning...
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Equilibrium assumptions posit relations between different people's beliefs and behavior without describing a process that causes these relations to hold. I show that because equilibrium models do not describe a causal process whereby one endogenous variable affects another, attempts to decompose...
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