Showing 101 - 110 of 7,257
Teoretické koncepty európskej integrácie vychádzajú primárne z tradičných teórií medzinárodných vzťahov, no od 40.rokov 20. storočia sa do popredia dostávajú východiská, ktoré boli odvodené priamo od integračného vývoja na európskom kontinente. Cieľom tohto príspevku je...
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This study tests the efficiency and profitability of banks that belongs to two different sectors: a) Islamic Banks (IBs) and b) Traditional Banks (TBs). The study concentrates on the pre and post 2008 financial crisis with an aim to test if there are any significant differences in performance...
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Trevor Swan is commonly considered to be Australia's most distinguished economist. As part of a visiting professorship at MIT during 1958-59 he spent nine months in India to assist in the formulation of India's third five year plan and to contribute to the development of India's premier research...
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Inclusivity is perhaps the single most important human need to facilitate and demonstrate fairness for all members in an open and free society. When this principle need is compromised by appearances of unscrupulous self-interested privileged elites to perpetuate a systemic widening disparity...
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This paper highlights the relationship between economic science and Christian moral in order to analyze the idea of socio-economic development promoted by the Catholic Social Teaching (CST). This analysis shows how the perspective of Catholic thought concerning socio-economic development is...
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In this paper I explore Tocqueville's views on poverty and pauperism in democratic times. Tocqueville's explanation of economic and social phenomena linked to the raise of equality, show the difficult dilemmas he foresaw with the consolidation of democracy and increasing industrialization. New...
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Currently, there are no adequate mechanisms under international law to balance the competing tensions climate change presents to state sovereignty. On one hand, climate change threatens state sovereignty because the catastrophic loss of life and property of millions of people would deprive...
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The Qur’an categorically prohibits riba, but does not define it. It is commonly argued that riba is defined by hadith. At the time of the revelation about riba, the only type of riba known was riba al-jahiliyyah. If only that type is considered, usury or usurious/exploitative transactions...
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The author shows that often quoted definitions used in the study of introductory courses in economics for the most part are lacking critical elements that would otherwise provide a more complete understanding of the nature of economic pursuits. The author uses the leading theories and...
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Stewardship is defined and considered in the context of offices and cultural typology. Five specific offices inherent to corporate organization and function, as well as four "ideologies" of corporate purpose, are discussed within the stewardship framework. A Goldman Sachs study of corporate...
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