Showing 71 - 80 of 40,954
This paper introduces a class of cointegration tests based on estimated low-pass and high-pass regression coefficients from the same wavelet transform of the original time series data.  The procedure can be applied to test the null of cointegration in a n + k multivariate system with n...
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A novel procedure to test for unit root in a nonlinear framework is proposed by first introducing a new model – the MT-STAR model – which has similar properties as the ESTAR model but reduces the effects of the identification problem and can also account for cases where the adjustment...
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This article discusses the use of Integrated Nested Laplace Approximations (INLA) in inference procedures and construction of unit root tests in stochastic volatility models. This approach allows to obtain accurate analytical approximations for the parameters and latent volatities, representing...
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A frequent criticism of unit root tests concerns the poor power and size properties that many of such tests exhibit. However, the past decade or so intensive research has been conducted to alleviate these problems and great advances have been made. The present paper provides a selective survey...
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It is generally believed that for the power of unit root tests, only the time span and not the observation frequency matters. In this paper we show that the observation frequency does matter when the high-frequency data display fat tails and volatility clustering, as is typically the case for...
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This paper analyses the asymptotic and finite sample implications of different types of nonstationary behavior among the dependent and explanatory variables in a linear spurious regression model. We study cases when the nonstationarity in the dependent and explanatory variables is deterministic...
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In a recent paper Leong-Huang:2010 {Journal of Applied Statistics 37, 215Ӳ33} proposed a wavelet-correlation-based approach to test for cointegration between two time series. However, correlation and cointegration are two different concepts even when wavelet analysis is used. It is known that...
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We develop a set of nonparametric rank tests for non-stationary panels based on multivariate variance ratios which use untruncated kernels. As such, the tests do not require the choice of tuning parameters associated with bandwidth or lag length and also do not require choices with respect to...
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In this paper we attempt to determine whether the per capita real incomes of GCC countries are trend or difference stationary. The distinction is crucial for at least three reasons: first pertains to forecasting; while a trend stationary series tends to return to its long run steady state...
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In this paper we attempt to determine whether the per capita real incomes of GCC countries are trend or difference stationary. The distinction is crucial for at least three reasons: first pertains to forecasting; while a trend stationary series tends to return to its long run steady state...
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