Showing 91 - 100 of 431
This paper models the seasonal dynamics in quarterly industrial production for India. For this, we extend the time-varying smooth transition autoregression (TV-STAR) model to allow for independent regime-switching behaviour in the deterministic seasonal and cyclical components. This yields the...
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An index of coincident economic indicators is constructed for the Indian economy since the mid 1950s. This tracks fluctuations in aggregate economic activity and determines the phase of the business cycle the economy is in at a given point in time. It thus helps to ascertain the timing of...
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A growing body of research points to the fact that capital markets react to environmental news and thus create incentives for pollution control in both developed and emerging market economies. In this paper we conduct an event study to examine the impact of environmental rating of large pulp and...
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In this paper, we examine the presence of stochastic trend (unit root) and structural break in various agriculture-industry terms of trade series in India. The results suggest that underlying data generating process of terms of trade are most likely non-stationary. We subsequently re-examine the...
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In this paper we address the broad question, how does the process of industrial transformation, affect personal income distribution within a developing economy ? The starting point of our analysis is Kuznets (1955). What clearly emerges from Kuznets’s writings is that under certain...
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This paper tests for the presence of persistence in Indian industrial production. Persistence implies the existence of a unit root in the series. We therefore employ the augmented Dickey Fuller test as well as the Phillips Perron test. We also use the Bayesian framework which is superior to the...
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A growing body of literature suggests that courts and juries are inclined toward division of liability between two strictly non-negligent or “vigilant” parties. However, standard models of liability rules do not provide for vigilance-based sharing of liability. In this paper, we explore the...
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This paper is principally focused on the changes in the size and structure of work force and the changes in labour productivity, wages and poverty in India in the first quinquennuim of the 21st century. The period between 2000 and 2005 saw a sharp acceleration in work force growth, and, on the...
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The Indian economy has recently grown at historically unprecedented rates and is now one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. Real GDP per head grew at 3.95 percent a year from 1980 to 2005, and at 5.4 percent a year from 2000 to 2005. Measured at international prices, real per capita...
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