Showing 541 - 550 of 582
We derive the asymptotic sampling distribution of various estimators frequently used to order distributions in terms of poverty, welfare and inequality. This includes estimators of most of the poverty indices currently in use, as well as estimators of the curves used to infer stochastic...
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La question de l'ideologie est peu etudiee par les economistes, qui preferent croire leur science immunisee contre le biais ideologique. Pourtant, il suffit de revenir auc sources de cette croyance pour redecouvrir l'inexorable dilemme lie a la conception marxienne de l'ideologie. Rien n'oblige...
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We analyze the effect of a constant debt policy on capital accumulation and provide an indepth treatment of the dynamics in the economy of Diamond. We derive the conditions for avoiding a debt crisis in both the short-run and the long-run and provide geometrical tools to analyze the issue of...
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The dynamics of industrial growth in Jevons' The Coal Question is developed in two directions. Malthus' dynamics of the supply of subsistence and population growth is transposed into one between coal supply and economic growth. A second influence lies with the dynamic evolution of Ricardian...
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Lorsque le question de valorisation utilisee dans la methode d'evaluation contingente prend la forme d'une question fermee, le modele econometrique adequat est un modele a choix binaire. Dans cet article, nous presentons un modele a choix binaire tenant compte d'une heterogeneite par groupes de...
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The purpose of this study is to compare the performances of three different weighting schemes for a currency basket in terms of relative stability in the tunisian economy. The three alternative policy peg are: (1) a trade-weighted currency basket, (2) the basket suggested by Lipshitz and...
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In this paper we are interested in inference based on heteroskedasticity consistent covariance matrix estimators, for which the appropriate bootstrap is a version of the wild bootstrap. Simulation results, obtained by a new very efficient methos, show that all wild bootstraps tests exhibit...
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Nous etudions dans un modele a generations avec altruisme imparfait la distribution de la richesse de long terme ainsi que les inegalites sociales qu'elle engendre. Puis nous introduisons successivement dans le modele deux types de politique fiscale redistributive: une taxation des heritages et...
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Risk a basic parameter of portfolio selection and its modelling involves some difficulties. Thus, more and more researchers try to find a solution to this problem proposing other measures than the classic ones used in portfolio selection. On the other hand, Multicriteria Decision Aid has known a...
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