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This paper shows that the consumption-based asset pricing model (C-CAPM) with low-probability disaster risk rationalizes large pricing errors, i.e., Euler equation errors. This result is remarkable, since Lettau and Ludvigson (2009) show that leading asset pricing models cannot explain sizeable...
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This paper investigates the behaviour of estimators based on the Kullback-Leibler information criterion (KLIC), as an alternative to the generalized method of moments (GMM). We first study the estimators in a Monte Carlo simulation model of consumption growth with power utility. Then we compare...
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First order conditions from the dynamic optimization problems of consumers and firms are important tools in empirical macroeconomics. When estimated on micro-data these equations are typically linearized so standard IV or GMM methods can be employed to deal with the measurement error that is...
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This paper estimates the elasticity of intertemporal substitution for the euro area. It leverages the unique design of the Consumer Expectations Survey in Europe to directly infer it from the Euler equation. Our final estimates range between 0.7 and 0.8 for the euro area as a whole, which are...
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We address the issue of estimating the Euler equation for emerging markets. Using panel data for Russian households, we show that accounting for consumer type and income level is crucial. Consumers, who have neither savings nor loans, as well as consumers with low income, face liquidity...
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In all but the most trivial settings Euler equation estimation in saddlepath stable systems is faced with a fundamental identification problem: The Euler equation allows for an unstable root (of its characteristic equation), while the data used to estimate the Euler equation also obey the...
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This paper presents estimates for the consumption Euler equation for Russia. The estimation is based on micro-level panel data and accounts for the preference heterogeneity, measurement errors, and the impact of macroeconomic shocks. The presence of multiplicative habits is checked with the...
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In this paper, we make three substantive contributions:first, we use elicited subjective income expectations to identify the levels of permanent and transitory income shocks in a life-cycle framework; second, we use these shocks to assess whether households' consumption is insulated from them;...
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In this paper, we make three substantive contributions: first, we use elicited subjective income expectations to identify the levels of permanent and transitory income shocks in a life-cycle framework; second, we use these shocks to assess whether households' consumption is insulated from them;...
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New Keynesian macroeconomic models have generally emphasized that expectations of future output are a key factor in determining current output. The theoretical motivation for such forward-looking behavior relies on a straightforward generalization of the well-known Euler equation for...
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