Showing 18,811 - 18,820 of 18,915
Profitability represents one of the clue sources of the capital development, a relevant indicator of the competitive position for a banking institution and its management quality, that permit to a bank to maintain a certain profile of risk , offering protection towards the problems on short...
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The objective of this paper is to estimate an econometric model for analyzing the interrelationship between foreign direct investment, domestic capital and economic growth in 13 MENA countries by using a ‘growth model’ framework and simultaneous-equations models estimated by the Generalized...
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This paper examines the relationship between FDI inflows and the economic growth for three African economies (Tunisia, Morocco, and Egypt) during 1985–2011. Our analysis, which is based on a simultaneous equations model, reveals that in overall terms a mutually promoting two-way linkage...
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Credit ratings have become an indispensable part of the fundamental information infrastructure of credit markets. Credit ratings cover a wide range of issuers including governments, governmental organizations, municipalities, nonfinancial companies and financial institutions, and also cover...
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The financial market events in September 2008 seem unprecedented in modern times. While other systemically important events happened in the last thirty years affecting U.S. markets, the one month turmoil and government response is without equal. As a result, insurance industry economists have...
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The title "shadow banking system" sounds pejorative and certainly is in the minds of most people who work in or watch the business of money and credit. In the world of subprime real estate, abuse of private financial vehicles with insurance enhancements and ratings led to the collapse of the...
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A tanulmány a gazdasági növekedés és a pénzügyi közvetítés mélysége közötti kapcsolatot tekinti át, különös figyelmet szentelve három közép-kelet-európai felzárkózó gazdaságra, Magyarországra, Csehországra és Lengyelországra. Az elmúlt tíz évben megszaporodtak...
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Durch die globale Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise geraten Europas Banken immer mehr unter Druck. So hat die desolate Verfassung der Staatsfinanzen der südeuropäischen Länder nach Ansicht von Stephan Paul und Christian Farruggio, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, die Krise in den Bankensektor...
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Durante la última década el Perú ha experimentado un exitoso proceso de desdolarización financiera impulsado por factores de mercado. El nivel de dolarización de los créditos y depósitos en el sistema bancario - en todos los sectores y plazos - se ha reducido, observándose una mayor...
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