Showing 111 - 120 of 3,617
This paper theoretically and empirically investigates the effect of natural resource rents on the process of economic liberalization and a potential moderating effect of the level of democracy. A simple political-economic model is developed in which the government in an autocratic country faces...
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The exploitation of natural resources is a huge opportunity, but one that carries considerable risks. Relative prices in resource-exporting economies tend to push them towards economic structures dominated by the resource sector. This paper explores ways to achieve diversification in a...
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We propose a model of seasonal gas markets which is flexible enough to include supply and demand shocks while also considering natural gas as an exhaustible resource. Using US data, we estimate the model’s structural parameters and test economically founded restrictions. We analyze,...
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Im Dezember 2011 startete eine Kampagne des Bundeswirtschaftsministeriums unter dem Motto »Kraftwerke? Ja bitte!«. Um im Zuge der Energiewende und des Atomausstiegs weiterhin Versorgungssicherheit und bezahlbaren Strom zu gewährleisten, seien neue Kohle- und Gaskraftwerke unabdinglich. In...
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Angesichts stark wachsender Nachfrage nach Rohstoffen, insbesondere vonseiten der aufstrebenden Schwellenländer und entsprechend steigender Rohstoffpreise, richtet sich der Blick zunehmend auf die Tiefsee als enorme noch weitgehend unerschlossene Quelle reichhaltiger Rohstoffvorkommen. Der...
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This paper studies the dynamic effect of oil rents on industrial added value in a sample of countries with different levels of development. Using a SVAR model, we tested the effect of a real shock and a nominal shock on the variables of the model. The main obtained results are three. First, we...
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One of the main elements of economic sanctions against Iran due to its nuclear and military programs is crude oil exportation restrictions in addition to investment in Iranian energy related projects. Senders of such sanction are interested in understanding the impacts of such embargos on...
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Based on resource curse hypothesis, this paper carries out an econometric analysis on the relationship and its transmission mechanism between energy exploitation and economic growth with cross-province panel data over 1991¨C2006. Results reveal that there is the significantly negative...
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La minería del carbón en Colombia ha tenido un mayor dinamismo en los últimos años tanto porque los precios internacionales aumentaron hasta 2011 como porque se ha expandido la producción. Con la evolución reciente de los precios hacia abajo surgen preguntas sobre el comportamiento de este...
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Demand for non-renewable natural resources is forecast to rise steadily over the coming decades. Underlying trends of long-term rising demand and falling supply of mineral resources will inevitably increase pressure on prices and intensify competition for scarce resources. This can create a...
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