Showing 51 - 60 of 175
This paper presents a dynamic general equilibrium model with default and collateral requirements. In contrast with previous literature, our model allows for liquidity contractions and general prepayment specifications. We show that liquidity substantially affects credit and prepayment risks, and...
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We estimate the crowding out of private transfers caused by 70 y Más, a public assistance program for the rural elderly in Mexico for whom private support is an important source of income. Using data from the Mexican Income and Expenditure Survey and a triple differences approach, we find that...
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In this paper we introduce communication into intergroup ultimatum bargaining in a lab. The responder groups vote whether to accept the proposals with unanimity required either for acceptance or for rejection. In contrast with the no-communication results reported in our previous study...
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In this paper we present an endogenous growth model with physical and human capital accumulation and study the effects of labor and capital income taxation on the transitional dynamics to the balanced path. Our results amount to an extension of those in Caball\'{e} and Santos (1993) and offer...
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This paper uses a recent demogrant for the elderly in Mexico City to estimate the e¤ect of an exogenous increase in the income of older individuals on the amount of private transfers they receive. My results show that not controlling for the endogeneity of income replicates the positive or...
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We construct an intertemporal equilibrium with two agents with heterogeneous beliefs. Heterogeneity of beliefs induces volatility of the interest rate. We study the effect of financial innovation on interest rate volatility and conclude that, in a setting of asymmetric beliefs, introducing the...
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This essay lists theoretical reasons why neoclassical models of one-sector growth imply that nations with identical economic structures need not converge to the same steady state or balanced growth path, and outlines the empirical significance and policy implications of conditional...
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We build a partial equilibrium model of firm dynamics under exchange rate uncertainty. Firms face idiosyncratic productivity shocks and observe the current level of the real exchange rate each period. Given their current level of capital stock, firms make their export decisions and choose how...
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It is argued that migration from Mexico to the US and return migration are determined by international wage differentials and preferences for origin. We use a model of job search, savings and migration to show that job turnover is a crucial determinant of the migration process. We estimate this...
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In this paper we consider a sequential trading economy with incomplete financial markets and a finite number of infinitely lived agents. We propose a specification of agents' budget sets and show that such specification features several desirable properties. We then establish the existence of an...
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