Showing 61 - 70 of 979
Denna rapport redovisar resultat från en undersökning av attityden till det svenska kärnkraftsprogrammet. Ett slumpmässigt stickprov ur databasen med personer bosatta i Sverige fick per post en enkät som tog upp ett antal aspekter på kärnkraften och på förvaring av använt...
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Current literature on organizations often argues that firms are becoming increasingly dependent on knowledge residing outside their own boundaries requiring organizations to increase their entrepreneurial abilities and make their boundaries more flexible and permeable. This paper reviews the...
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Research suggests that direct measurement of attitude is not necessarily adequate to establish determinants of behavior. Cognitive and affective aspects of behavior presumably differ in accessibility when using direct measurement as typically the case with verbal self-reports. Data was collected...
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Denna forskningsstudie handlar om hur affärsverksamhet, samarbetsformer och möjligheterna till lärande och kunskapsöverföring påverkas när organisationer väljer att separera delar av den interna tjänsteprocessen och lägga ut den hos fristående underleverantörer, så kallad business...
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This is a study in which emotional intelligence (EI) as well as several other personality dimensions were studied in a real, high-stakes, selection situation, N=190. Forty-one trait oriented personality scales were measured and factor analyzed. A factor pattern with four secondary factors was...
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Two valuation models based on accounting concepts and measurements are specified and discussed in the paper - a "residual income valuation" model and a "value added valuation" model. Given clean surplus accounting, the first model is identical to a model where future expected dividends and a...
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Sweden has a long and rich foundation history, but foundations are today also found in the midst of a number of challenging societal transformations. Excluding the absolutely smallest, some 15 000 larger foundations operate in a wide variety of fields. I will here focus on the approximately 11...
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The Swedish financial market has evolved from being small and insignificant to becoming highly developed, developing from the bottom to the elite among markets. One reason for why Swedish financial markets grew exponentially during the 1980s and 90s is the process of deregulation all over the...
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I denna rapport ges en nulägesbild av frågor som relaterar till ämnet Information Mangement i svenskt näringsliv under våren 2002. Rapporten är resultatet av ett antal intervjuer med finans- och IT-ansvariga i 17 stora bolag. De intervjuade är deltagare i en grupp för erfarenhetsutbyte...
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The following question is addressed in this paper: what will be the impact of an increase in the uncertainty and turbulence facing organizations on the way control is carried out? First, a survey of research in organizational control will be presented. After that the principle nature of control...
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