Showing 1 - 10 of 133
This paper describes a two-factor model for a diversifed index that attempts to explain both the leverage effect and the implied volatility skews that are characteristic of index options. Our formulation is based on an analysis of the growth optimal portfolio and a corresponding random market...
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This paper describes a two-factor model for a diversified market index using the growth optimal portfolio with a stochastic and possibly correlated intrinsic time scale. The index is modeled using a time transformed squared Bessel process of dimension four with a lognormal scaling factor for the...
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This paper studies a class of one-factor local volatility function models for stock indices under a benckmark approach. It assumes that the dynamics for a large diversified index approximates that of the growth optimal portfolio. The pricing and hedging of derivatives under the benchmark...
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Without requiring the existence of an equivalent risk-neutral probability measure this paper studies a class of one-factor local volatility function models for stock indices under a benchmark approach. It is assumed that the dynamics for a large diversified index approximates that of the growth...
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This paper derives a unified framework for portfolio optimization, derivative pricing, financial modeling and risk measurement. It is based on the natural assumption that investors prefer more or less, in the sense that the higher drift is preferred. Each such investor is shown to hold an...
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Variable annuities (VAs) represent a marked change from earlier life products in the guarantees that they offer and it is no longer possible to manage the risks of these liabilities using traditional actuarial methods. Thinking about guarantees as options suggests applying risk neutral pricing...
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This paper considers a market containing both continuous and discrete noise. Modest assumptions ensure the existence of a growth optimal portfolio. Non-negative self-financing trading strategies, when benchmarked by this portfolio, are local martingales under the real-world measure. This...
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The paper presents classical and new results on portfolio optimization, as well as the fair pricing concept for derivative pricing under the benchmark approach. The growth optimal portfolio is shown to be a central object in a market model. It links asset pricing and portfolio optimization. The...
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This paper uses an alternative, parsimonious stochastic volatility model to describe the dynamics of a currency market for the pricing and hedging of derivatives. Time transformed squared Bessel processes are the basic driving factors of the minimal market model. The time transformation is...
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This paper uses an alternative, parsimonious stochastic volatility model to describe the dynamics of a currency market for the pricing and hedging of derivatives. Time transformed squared Bessel processes are the basic driving factors of the minimal market model. The time transformation is...
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