Showing 31 - 40 of 585
The paper provides empirical evidence about the effects of the "pay-as-you-go" and the individual account social security systems over the family choice variables such as fertility rate, schooling, and time spent on children and it links those effects with the sustainability of the fiscal budget...
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This paper addresses the upward trend in new drugs introduced by pharmaceutical firms, during the second half of the 20th century. We indicate that the continuous increases in population, and thus in the market size of this sector, will play a fundamental role in explaining these phenomena. We...
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This paper identifies the economic fundamentals of the evolution of copper price. The main hypotheses of the paper is that cooper price is mainly determined by the evolution of demand of countries with large market power on that market. The novelty is that nominal exchange rate are one of the...
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We study capital income taxation in a context where firms differ in productivity and, they decide whether to produce or not after comparing after-tax profits vis-`a-vis an outside alternative option. In our setup, the government taxes capital income, firms’ profits and labor income but does...
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Basado en información microeconómica, este trabajo provee evidencia acerca del impacto de la tributación corporativa sobre la inversión. Utilizando datos para Chile, mostramos que un aumento de 10% en la tasa de impuesto corporativo reduce la inversión como fracción del stock de capital...
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This paper examines the response of real exchange rate to capital flow movements. It shows that countries with a large tradable sector will face smaller variability on their real exchange rate for a given level of capital flows and thus they will need smaller reallocations of real resources.
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Un modelo basado en la relación gasto-producto (efecto Salter-Swan) y los términos de intercambio, habría predicho un incremento más pronunciado del tipo de cambio real (TCR) en Chile durante la segunda mitad de los ’80, una caída menos acentuada entre 1990 y 1997, y un aumento más...
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This paper explores the causes of the social security financial crises. We indicate that the financial crisis might be endogenous to the social security system. The main idea is that the PAYG social security system might affect fertility and human capital's decisions and therefore, may...
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Este trabajo reexamina el tema de los movimientos de afiliados entre AFPs poniendo especial énfasis en el impacto del ranking de rentabilidad sobre la tasa de salida de cotizantes por cartera de AFPs. La idea de incluir esta variable es que el manejo de esta información por parte de los...
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The paper develops a general equilibrium model where population sources, such as fertility and mortality rates, are chosen variables. It is shown that the evolution of population over time depends on income and relative prices of mortality and fertility rates. Initially as a country develops,...
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