Showing 71 - 80 of 314
Most approaches to multi-project scheduling are based on the assumption that resources can betransferred between projects without any expense in time and cost. As this assumption often isnot realistic, we generalise the multi-project scheduling problem (RCMPSP) by additionallyincluding transfer...
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We consider the problem of scheduling multiple projects subject to joint resource constraints.All approaches proposed in the literature so far are based on the assumption that resources canbe transferred from one project to the other without any expense in time or cost. In many realworldsettings...
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Die Abteilungsgliederung als ein Element der Aufbauorganisation stand vor einigerZeit im Mittelpunkt einer Reihe von Optimierungsansätzen. Diese Ansätze konzentriertensich in der Regel auf einzelne Zielsetzungen. In den letzten Jahren ist dasThema jedoch kaum weiterentwickelt worden. Dieser...
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IT-Systeme sind in deutschen Krankenhäusern allgegenwärtig geworden - ob in der Unterstützungklinischer Leistungsprozesse oder administrativer Abläufe. Untersuchungen über den Wertbeitrag vonIT-Systemen fürs Krankenhaus existieren bislang keine. Vor diesem Hintergrund beschäftigt sich...
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Während Multiple-Sourcing-Strategien zur Steuerung von Ausfallrisikenin der Industrie bereits gängige Praxis sind, spielen sie bei Finanzdienstleistern auch beizeitkritischen Transaktionen bisher keine Rolle. Grund hierfür sind die hohen Kosten für dietechnische Integration von...
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The objective of this paper is to develop an optimal incentive system for multitaskingscientists in universities or professors under repeat contracting. With the aid of a principalagentmodel under repeat contracting, we show that (i) when a second task is assigned to aprofessor and the two tasks...
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-hub center problem is an extension of the deterministicversion which aims to minimize the longest origin-destination path in a hub and spokenetwork. Considering the stochastic nature of travel times on links is important when designing anetwork to guarantee the quality of service measured by a...
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In this paper, we consider an investor who plays in a market that involves a risky asset whose instantaneous rate of return changes at unknown random times. This return rate is assumed to follow the law of a Compound Poisson Process. We construct optimal mathematical strategies in this context...
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We develop an algorithm to compute asset allocations for Kahneman and Tversky's (1979) prospect theory. An application to benchmark data as in Fama and French (1992) shows that the equity premium puzzle is resolved for parameter values similar to those found in the laboratory experiments of...
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Component commonality - the use of the same version of a component across multiple products - is being increasingly considered as a promising way to offer high external variety while retaining low internal variety in operations. However, increasing commonality has both positive and negative cost...
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